Saturday, August 18, 2012

Now walk it out, walk it out

Today Savannah, Laleña, Chelsea, Mary, and I traveled something around 7 or 8 miles by foot. 6 of these miles were along a bike and pedestrian path near the school campus. It goes behinds some housing areas and through random parts of town. 
Laleña is behind the camera.
We saw a cow and a stand that sold refreshments and cool drinks.  
I had a malt soda, freshly squeezed orange juice, and a moment with the salt shaker. 

  • had lunch at a restaurant serving traditional Ecuadorian food
    The soupy dish is called "Encebollado" and was fish, yucca, onion, and some other stuff. The popcorn comes with the soupiness, of course, and the drink was huge. This all cost $3. 
  • discovered a nice little artisan fair at the Parque Cumbayá
  • had frozen yogurt (the price at this place was exactly the same as in the States...)
    Except the price at this place is exactly the same as in the States. I did learn that avellano means hazelnut, though. 
  • added money to our phone plans
  • browsed a paper and school supplies shop 
  • parted ways

Then Savannah and I did relaxation yoga in the living room and relaxed some more. We were served dinner of vegetable soup (tomato, pumpkin, and radish), grilled chicken breast, and mashed potatoes. I think my host mom is serving me "North American" food on purpose, and I wish they would serve me what they'd normally eat. But then again, I don't really see them eating organized meals much. They are a little scattered since the kids are all older and working. 

I chatted with my host dad this morning, and apparently he had just retired this past week! Among other things, I found out that he loves to travel and collects decorative plates as a hobby, and he’s been in several cities in China during an architecture conference. Que chevere! 

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